Building Compliance
in Action:

Data-Driven Strategies and Decisions

Group 9

Join us for a walk-through of a real-life building case.

Regulators are introducing increasingly aggressive building energy performance standards, and if buildings owners are slow to take action, there can be serious financial penalties for failing to meet these imposed standards.

But where do you start?  How do you know the right way to approach this problem?

Our panel will demonstrate how building owners and operators can successfully navigate the regulatory environment. We will walk you through a real-life case for a building:

  • Identifying the building & requirements and understanding your current position
  • Determining potential pathways to meeting compliance or enduring the consequence
  • Analyzing the ROI, making a decision, and implementing next steps 
  • How digitizing your building helps throughout this process

Featured Panelists:

  • Alessandra Chieff, Manager of Climate Risk Solutions at RE Tech
  • Daniel Kaplan, Professional Services at Backpack
  • Alec Manfre, Chief Innovation Officer at Backpack

This event took place on Thursday, June 13, 2024, but you can view on-demand by filling out the form below.


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