It's your data, share it how you see fit
Backpack enables you to instantly share your data with anyone who needs it.
What is the Backpack Marketplace?
The data collected by Backpack is frequently requested by many different parties like lenders, insurance providers, consultants, software applications, and more. The Backpack Marketplace allows for owners to easily share their data.
Don't see a service or application you are looking for?
Interested in building your application on Backpack data?
Get in touch to get early access to the Backpack API.
Developer and Partners
As a Marketplace partner you will have access to additional services:
Backpack can provide you with boots on the ground to capture whatever data you need.
Backpack can install sensors or equipment at the building for you.
Backpack maintains a LoRa network on-site, making it easy for sensors to be deployed for additional data capture.
Get in touch